A Bar Make Out That Led to More

It was a typical Friday night in Denver. The girls were getting ready to hit the town, unsure of what the evening may lead to. As the Rare Beauty blush was being passed around and shots were poured, spirits were high and sights were set on one thing: a good bar make out.

This wasn’t a night for Recess, where although there are a lot of Denver 10’s floating around, the ambiance of moonlight on the outdoor patio and the lack of a dancefloor leads to an inability to pick up men – unless your confidence level is through the roof. Even then, a group of girls aren’t going to secure any sort of kiss in that establishment, nonetheless a bar make out.

It was also not a night for Don’s Club Tavern, which is similar to Recess in its lack of activities to partake in after you’ve reached a tipsy point, i.e. dancing. Although the drinks are cheap and the vibes are immaculate, the pool table is off limits for girls due to the gritty men who are unwilling to give up their precious queue in fear of a woman who could potentially show them up. Not to mention the sharp shooting arcade game, where you will often see a man who anyone could’ve guessed would gravitate towards said arcade game, because based on his look we are certain he would be collecting his real guns to recreate the game somewhere in the wilderness the next day.

So the girls settled on Disco Pig, which is one of those spots in Denver that is hit or miss. With nostalgic 2000s mixes that are spun together with an EDM twist, a colorful dancefloor and disco balls to tie the space together, it is a spot that is ideal when you’re itching to dance. Although, it does garner a young crowd – no facial hair in sight. Now that you get the picture, we’re dancing and enjoying the vibes. I lock eyes with a man that looks familiar, but it being Denver that is not a surprise. I turn to the girls to share my findings and we confirm that this man is in fact familiar. He was seated several tables away at the cocktail bar we were at the night prior. Call it crazy or call it fate but my mind was made up that my bar make out goal was about to be accomplished.

Some time later, after lots of smooching, it was time for the night to end. We exchanged numbers and went our separate ways. The next day, some texts were exchanged and throughout the week there was some getting to know each other messages.

The following weekend, we both ended up at Disco Pig again and one thing led to another. I found myself at his apartment and was horrified when I set eyes on his FLEECE SHEETS. Though in the moment, it was something I was willing to overlook.

A few weekends later I was back at Disco Pig and there he was. This time, we ended the night at my place where he proceeded to pet my cat for what felt like an eternity while I sat there and watched in silence. I guess I should’ve considered that a kind gesture but it was too late, the ick was there and I couldn’t think about anything else.

At this point, his nickname amongst my friends had become Disco Pig, then to shorten it, we were just calling him Pig. Girl groups are a different breed of mean when the topic involves a man. On a random Tuesday, one of my friends texted in our girl group chat that she just saw my “little Piglet” riding his bike. From there, the name Piglet was born and he goes down in history as a bar make out that led to an iconic nickname


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