November Monthly Mix 23

J.T. Vibes Radio is a visual and audio experience curated and explained by local artist John Thompkins. Enjoy a tour through volumes 6-9 for music of all genres compiled this November.

Volume 6: sugar

“Okay, okay, okay. But it’s only a little crush. Like teeny, teeny, tiny. Chill. Why are you making such a big deal about it?”

Volume 7: MOVE!

“Can you tune to that one station, from the human planet? Please?? Mommmm. I know you can’t sit still when I turn it on. That’s the point! Humans have this strange thing they do called dancing. It actually feels pretty good.”

Volume 8: why do you always make things so existential?

“We’re all just walking each other home. Pretty night, isn’t it?”

Volume 9: come and go

“Running to or running from? The next gas station isn’t for sixty miles. Fuck it.”

“Few combinations are more potent than music and visual forms of art. For me, music is a synesthetic, cinematic experience. It provides the soundtrack to our lives. Join me as I attempt to paint these sonic landscapes.” – John Thompkins

Stay tuned by following The Curio Cabinet on Spotify and lookout for a new set of mixes to close 2023.